Stand-By Vessel Service  

Ensuring Safety Over Water: Why a Standby Rescue Vessel is Essential 

Working over water poses unique risks, and the safety of personnel is paramount. At Hardy Seas, we recognize the inherent dangers associated with marine operations and construction projects conducted over water. That's why we prioritize the presence of a standby rescue vessel as an integral component of our service.

Immediate Response to Emergencies: In the event of an accident or personnel falling into the water, every second counts. An appropriate standby rescue vessel ensures swift response times, significantly enhancing the chances of successful rescue and minimizing potential harm.

Risk Mitigation: Despite meticulous planning and precautionary measures, unforeseen circumstances can arise. A standby rescue vessel serves as a crucial risk mitigation strategy, providing an additional layer of protection for personnel working over water.

Compliance with Safety Regulations: Regulatory bodies often mandate the presence of standby rescue vessels for operations conducted over water. By adhering to these regulations, we not only ensure compliance but also uphold the highest safety standards for our clients and their personnel.

Peace of Mind: Knowing that a dedicated rescue vessel is on standby instills confidence among personnel, enabling them to focus on their tasks with peace of mind. This proactive approach to safety underscores our commitment to safeguarding lives and promoting a secure working environment.

At Hardy Seas, safety is ingrained in everything we do. With our standby rescue vessel service, we provide more than just assistance; we offer assurance and peace of mind, ensuring that your personnel are protected in any eventuality.


Specialised Vessel for Agile Rescues: Selecting the appropriate rescue vessel is paramount when ensuring the safety of personnel engaged in marine projects, especially in challenging environments like underneath jetty structures. We often observe the use of larger vessels as a risk control, which can prove inefficient and cumbersome in emergencies. At Hardy Seas, we recognize the limitations of traditional vessels and have tailored our standby rescue vessel service to address these challenges. Our specialized PWC vessel offers unparalleled maneuverability, allowing us to navigate confined spaces with ease and execute swift and effective rescue operations, even in the most challenging environments. By utilizing the right tool for the job, we enhance safety and expedite response times, ensuring that personnel are promptly and safely rescued from hazardous situations.

Enhanced Safety: Utilizing a Personal Watercraft (PWC) as a rescue vessel provides distinct safety benefits compared to larger boats. The watercraft operator benefits from full 360-degree visibility, offering enhanced situational awareness crucial for swift and precise maneuvers during rescue operations. Moreover, the absence of an exposed rotating propeller significantly reduces the risk of propeller strikes to personnel in distress, ensuring their safety during retrieval. These features collectively contribute to a safer rescue environment, allowing for a more effective response to emergencies across various marine settings.

Safety Compliance: Our operation boasts a commercially registered vessel and operator, ensuring full compliance with AMSA regulations and providing a secure working environment. In addition, we have implemented a comprehensive safety management system and established procedures to uphold the highest safety standards. Tailored to address specific client requirements, our safety protocols guarantee a meticulous approach to risk management and ensure the well-being of all personnel involved in marine projects.

Cost Savings: Our standby vessel service offers significant cost savings by minimizing personnel requirements without compromising safety or quality. Our vessel is capable of being swiftly mobilised to even some of the most remote sites and is easily launched and retrieved by trailer or lifting slings.

Customisation and Expertise: We work closely with our customers to develop thoughtfully tailored response plans and our experienced personnel ensure effective project support. Hardy Seas can also assist with spotter vessel requirements or assisting with on-water inspections. Get in touch to discuss your project requirements.


